Status Change Jobs

The “Status change jobs” tab allows you to automatically export orders, if their status has changed, to the specified destination.

Add a job in two ways:

1) Copy the profile from the “Profiles” tab using the “Copy to a Status change jobs” button

Click “OK” on the message window.

Look for your new status changes job.

2) Click the “Add job” button” on the “Status change jobs” tab.

In both cases, at the end you will see the window with the status job settings.

The main settings of the “Status change jobs” tab is similar to the “Export now” tab. In this article, we will consider only the unique functionality of the “Status change jobs” tab.

“Title” field. Input status change job name into it.

“From status” and “To status” fields. Define what status changing process should activate the job. Input start and finish status into the “From status” and “To status” fields. If you do not fill in the values of these fields, the report will be downloaded whenever the status of orders configured for export changes.

For example, if you input the status “Processing” in the “From status” field, and leave the “To status” field empty, orders that have changed their status from “In processing” to any other will be downloaded. And if you input the status “Completed” in the “To status” field, all orders that changed status from “Processing” to “Completed” will be downloaded.

Note: The “From status “and “To status” fields support multiple values.

To display logs of the sent reports in the “WooCommerce” – “Status” – “Logs” section, turn on the “Log results” checkbox.

More detailed about “Destination” block, read in this article.

Still unclear?

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