
Free product can’t be added to the cart. I see message “Sorry, this product cannot be purchased.”

WooCommerce verifies product before adding to the cart. So this product must be published, in stock and has price defined.

How can I hide original prices?

It’s a PRO feature. You should turn off option “Show striked prices” at tab Settings, for category and product pages.

When loading products on the page using the “Show more” button, the discount on products is not displayed

The “Show more” button sends ajax request. Please, visit “WooCommerce” – “Pricing rules” – “Settings” – “System” and mark “Apply pricing rules while doing API request”.

The discount badge on variation products is not displayed

Please, visit “Pricing rules” – “Settings” – “Calculations”, mark “Calculate “On Sale” badge for variable products”. It’s a PRO feature.

How can I increase prices in my store?

A negative discount should be used.

My product bundle hasn’t discounted price

Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce doesn’t spread a discount on product bundles, except the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugins. The reason of it is an availability of the discount option of the product bundles’ plugins. Our plugin also doesn’t support discounts inside the WooCommerce Product Bundles too.

Why the bulk table shows the same price?

If the bulk table shows the same price for all the ranges, please, check the product’s sale price. In case when you have the “Best between discounted regular price and sale price” calculation mode in “Pricing rules>Settings>Calculation>
How to apply rules to a product that already has a sale price” option, then the sale price is more profitable than the price from the pricing rule. Please, change the calculation mode to the “Discount regular price” or “Discount sale price” or remove the sale price in the product description.

Still unclear?

Please submit a support request. We are always happy to assist you!