
The “Settings” tab contains all the settings of the “Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce” plugin.

The tab has the following settings:

1) Rules:

  • Rules per page – tab Rules supports pagination, so it’s max number of rules visible at page
  • Disable rule if it runs longer than [X] seconds – the plugin tries to prevent slowdown the shop, you will see the warnings if this option worked
  • Show first [X] results in autocomplete – when you seek for products/categories/etc, you will see up to X results
  • Allow to exclude products in filters – use this option if you set filter by category and want to exclude some products
  • Support shortcode [adp_products_on_sale] – enables short code and add button to tab “Rules”
  • Support shortcode [adp_products_bogo] – enables short code and add button to tab “Rules”

2) Product page:

  • Don’t modify product price on product page – product price stays unmodified
  • Show On Sale badge if product price was modified – might require some programming to be compatible with your theme
  • Use first range as minimum quantity if bulk rule is active – set product “qty” field on page load

3) Product price:

  • Replace price with lowest bulk price – has no effect if you don’t set bulk rules
  • Product price html template – display price changes on the product page

4) Bulk table:

  • Show bulk table on product page – use Customizer to define position and layout for bulk table on product page
  • Show bulk table on category page – use Customizer to define position and layout for bulk table on category page
  • Show bulk table regardless to conditions – ignore conditions for bulk rules. Might confuse users – for example, if bulk rule for specific role only
  • Calculate price based on – choosing which rule will be used to calculate the product price

5) Cart:

  • Show striked prices in the cart – show original price for modified products
  • Show striked subtotal in cart totals – show original total amount
  • Amount saved – use Customizer to define position and layout for cart/mini-cart/checkout pages
  • Show message after adding free product – the plugin shows this message only once

6) Coupons:

  • Disable external coupons if any rule applied – it works even if rule applied some cart discounts (for example, free shipping)
  • Disable external coupons only if any of cart items updated – product prices must be modified
  • Hide “Coupon” word in cart totals – use this option if you want to show only coupon names

7) Calculation:

  • Apply discount on “Onsale” products – how the plugin works with products which are already on sale
  • Use prices modified by other plugins – we won’t try to get original prices
  • Combine multiple fixed discounts – all discounts will be merged to one coupon
  • Combine multiple fees – all fees will be merged to one fee
  • Cents – how to round up prices
  • Round up totals to match modified item prices – use precision defined in WooCommerce. For example, precision= 2 and discounted price 18.777, so 18.777 * 3 = 56.33, but rounded values must be 18.78 * 3 = 56.34

8) System:

  • Suppress other pricing plugins in frontend – only our code (actions/filters) will work at frontend
  • Apply pricing rules to backend orders – the plugin will be loaded in backend context
  • Apply pricing rules while doing cron – the plugin will modify product prices during background tasks, “Apply pricing rules to backend orders” must be on too!
  • Apply pricing rules while doing API request – the plugin will modify product prices during doing API request
  • Remove all data on uninstall – the plugin will remove all rules/settings and history of applied discounts

9) Debug:

  • Show debug panel at bottom of the page – this debug bar visible for admins only