Product Collection Examples
Here are some examples for the frequently cases of using of Product Collections:
- product belongs to 2 categories at the same time;
- products are in stock only;
- product name contains a necessary word (e.g., all products with “hoodie” in the name);
- product is downloadable;
- the whole product category except 1 product.
- Product belongs to 2 categories at the same time.
The most frequent situation for using Product Collection is product belonging to 2 category at the same time. For example, you want to get a 10% discount to the t-shirts with a round neck, where there are 2 categories: “T-Shirt” and “Round neck”. Let’s create a product collection for this case. Add a filter “Category”>”T-Shirt” and another one filter “Category”>”Round Neck”.
Then create a rule with 10% discount on the Rules tab:
Look at the shop page. Only round necked t-shirts has the 10% discount.
- Products are in stock only;
If you need to discount only in stock’s products, then create next product collection:Then create a rule with this collection:
But if you want to make a discount by stock quantity, for example, only for products that left less than 3 qty, you need to use a product property “Stock qty”. Look at the screenshot: