Export Products as columns
Note: These codes should be added via Code Snippets plugin (otherwise put it to the functions.php of your current theme). Users of the PRO version should set mode “Run snippet everywhere” in the snippet if they use the scheduled jobs!
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// Export Products as columns // Format - XLS // Checked - Output column titles as first line // Button - Export w/o Progressbar class Woe_Product_Columns_XLS { function __construct() { //add settings, , skip products add_action("woe_settings_above_buttons", array($this,"draw_options") ); add_filter("woe_settings_validate_defaults",array($this,"skip_products"),10,1); } // 1 function draw_options($settings){ $selected = !empty($settings[ 'products_as_columns' ]) ? 'checked': ''; echo '<br><br> <input type=hidden name="settings[products_as_columns]" value="0"> <input type=checkbox name="settings[products_as_columns]" value="1" '. $selected .'> <span class="wc-oe-header">Export products as columns, print <select name="settings[products_as_columns_output_field]" style="width: 100px"> <option value="qty">Qty</option> <option value="line_total">Amount</option> </select> in cell</span><br> Format <b>XLS</b>, button <b>Export w/o progressbar</b> <br><br>'; } function skip_products($current_job_settings) { global $wpdb; if( !empty($current_job_settings['products_as_columns']) ) { $current_job_settings["order_fields"]["products"]["checked"] = 0;// just skip standard products $this->output_field = $current_job_settings['products_as_columns_output_field']; // read orders add_action("woe_order_export_started",array($this,"start_new_order"),10,1); //stop default output for rows add_action("woe_xls_header_filter",array($this,"prepare_xls_vars"),10,2); add_action("woe_xls_output_filter",array($this,"record_xls_rows"),10,2); add_action("woe_xls_print_footer",array($this,"analyze_products_add_columns"),10,2); //to support checkbox "Export all products from the order" if( ! $current_job_settings['all_products_from_order'] ) { $this->include_all_products = false; $this->allowed_products = $wpdb->get_col( WC_Order_Export_Data_Extractor::sql_get_product_ids( $current_job_settings ) ); } else $this->include_all_products = true; } return $current_job_settings; } // 2 function prepare_xls_vars($data) { $this->headers_added = count($data); $this->product_columns = array(); return $data; } //3 function start_new_order($order_id) { $this->order_id = $order_id; return $order_id; } function record_xls_rows($data,$obj) { $order = new WC_Order($this->order_id); $extra_cells = array_fill(0, count($this->product_columns), 0); // work with products foreach($order->get_items('line_item') as $item_id=>$item) { if( !$this->include_all_products AND !in_array($item['product_id'],$this->allowed_products) ) continue; $product_name = $item['name']; $pos = array_search($product_name,$this->product_columns); if( $pos === false) { // new product detected $extra_cells[] = $item[ $this->output_field ]; $this->product_columns[] = $product_name; } else { $extra_cells[$pos] += $item[ $this->output_field ]; } } foreach($extra_cells as $pc) $data[] = $pc; return $data; } //4 function analyze_products_add_columns($phpExcel,$formatter) { // add products as titles foreach($this->product_columns as $pos=>$text) $formatter->objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow( $pos+$this->headers_added, 1, $text ); //make first bold $last_column = $formatter->objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestDataColumn(); $formatter->objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle( "A1:" . $last_column . "1" )->getFont()->setBold( true ); } } new Woe_Product_Columns_XLS(); |
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// Export Products as columns // Format - CSV // Checked - Output column titles as first line class Woe_Product_Columns_CSV { function __construct() { @session_start(); //add settings, , skip products add_action("woe_settings_above_buttons", array($this,"draw_options") ); add_filter("woe_settings_validate_defaults",array($this,"modify_export"),10,1); } // 1 function draw_options($settings){ $selected = !empty($settings[ 'products_as_columns' ]) ? 'checked': ''; echo '<br><br> <input type=hidden name="settings[products_as_columns]" value="0"> <input type=checkbox name="settings[products_as_columns]" value="1" '. $selected .'> <span class="wc-oe-header">Export products as columns, print <select name="settings[products_as_columns_output_field]" style="width: 100px"> <option value="qty">Qty</option> <option value="line_total">Amount</option> </select> in cell</span><br>'; } function modify_export($current_job_settings) { if( empty($current_job_settings['products_as_columns']) ) return $current_job_settings; // remove products/coupons fields which might require 2+ rows per order foreach($current_job_settings["order_fields"] as $k=>$f){ if ( $f["segment"] == "products" OR $f["segment"] == "coupons" ) unset($current_job_settings["order_fields"][$k]); } //remember field to output in new cells $this->output_field = $current_job_settings['products_as_columns_output_field']; //save all rows to array add_filter( "woe_csv_custom_output_func", function($custom_output,$handle,$data,$delimiter,$linebreak,$enclosure,$is_header) { if($is_header) { $_SESSION['woe_rows']= array(); $_SESSION['woe_product_columns']= array(); $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = $data; // return true; } $order = new WC_Order(WC_Order_Export_Engine::$order_id); $extra_cells = []; foreach($_SESSION['woe_product_columns'] as $name) $extra_cells[$name] = ""; // work with products foreach($order->get_items('line_item') as $item_id=>$item) { $product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item ); $column_name = $product->get_sku(); // we use SKU //$column_name = $item['name']; // uncomment to use "item name" as column if($column_name === "") $column_name = "-empty-"; if( !isset($extra_cells[$column_name]) ) { // new product detected $extra_cells[$column_name] = $item[ $this->output_field ]; $_SESSION['woe_rows'][0][] = $column_name;//modify header! $_SESSION['woe_product_columns'][] = $column_name; } else { $extra_cells[$column_name] = $item[ $this->output_field ]; } } foreach($extra_cells as $column_name=>$pc) $data[$column_name] = $pc; $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = $data; return true; },10,7); //output session data add_action("woe_csv_print_footer", function($handle, $formatter) { //make summary row if(count($_SESSION['woe_rows']) > 1) { $summary_row = $_SESSION['woe_rows'][1];//take 1st with real data foreach($summary_row as $k=>$v) $summary_row[$k] = in_array($k,$_SESSION['woe_product_columns']) ? 0 : ""; foreach($_SESSION['woe_rows'] as $row) foreach($_SESSION['woe_product_columns'] as $name) $summary_row[$name] += (float)$row[$name]; // $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = $summary_row; //uncomment if you need summary row } //done foreach($_SESSION['woe_rows'] as $row) fputcsv($handle,$row); unset($_SESSION['woe_rows']);//done },10,2); return $current_job_settings; } } new Woe_Product_Columns_CSV(); |
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// Pro version, send separate CSV to each seller class Woe_Seller_CSV_mod { function __construct() { add_action("woe_test_destination", array($this,"add_hooks") ); add_action("woe_start_cron_job_1", array($this,"add_hooks") ); // adjust job ID here } function add_hooks () { add_action("woe_formatter_csv_start", array($this,"csv_start"),10,1); add_action("woe_order_export_started",array($this,"start_new_order"),10,1); add_action("woe_get_order_product",array($this,"detect_seller"),10,1); add_action("woe_formatter_set_handler_for_csv_row",array($this,"switch_file"),10,1); add_action("woe_formatter_csv_finished",array($this,"close_csv_files"),10,1); add_action("woe_custom_export_to_email",array($this,"send_csv_files"),10,4); } function csv_start($header) { $this->header = $header; $this->filenames = $this->files = array(); } function start_new_order($order_id) { //remember sellers is for rows here $this->product_sellers = array(); $this->product_sellers_pos = 0; return $order_id; } function detect_seller($product) { $seller_id = $product->post->post_author; // remember seller sequence for rows $this->product_sellers[] = $seller_id; //put header to new file if( !isset($this->files[$seller_id]) ) { $this->filenames[$seller_id] = tempnam("/tmp",$seller_id); $this->files[$seller_id] = fopen( $this->filenames[$seller_id], "wb+"); fputcsv($this->files[$seller_id], $this->header); } } function switch_file($handle) { $seller_id = $this->product_sellers[$this->product_sellers_pos++]; return $this->files[$seller_id]; } function close_csv_files() { foreach($this->files as $f) if(get_resource_type($f) == 'stream') fclose($f); } function send_csv_files($processed, $filename, $filepath, $exporter) { global $ts_mail_errors; foreach($this->filenames as $seller_id => $filepath) { // override filepath $user_info = get_userdata($seller_id); if( !empty($user_info->user_email) ) { $exporter->destination['email_recipients'] = $user_info->user_email;//override email $ts_mail_errors = array(); echo $exporter->run_export( $filename, $filepath )."\n"; } } return true; } } new Woe_Seller_CSV_mod(); |