Show discounted products on the Sale page using the Product only rules’ type

One of the most common request from our users is showing the discount from the pricing rules on the sale page with the standard WooCommerce shortcode [products on_sale=”true”].
Now it’s possible to implement with the Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin since the version 4.9.1.

Now if you make a simple discount rule of the “Product Only” type, the products also will be shown on your sale page.

How to implement it:

  • Update the Advanced Dynamic Pricing plugin to the version 4.9.1 or higher;
  • Visit the page: “Pricing rules>Settings>Rules” and enable the option “Support Product only rules”;
  • Create the simple discounted rule of a “Product only” type:

    Or convert your “Common” rule to the “Product only” type:
  • Click the “Recalculate product only rules cache” and wait until the progress bar will disappear:
  • Check your Sale page. The discounted by the rules products will appear on the page.